Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми Ukraine

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Результати 1 до 20 із 23  далі >
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
12-гру-2022Analysis of the market of international tourist services of Ukraine (for the period 2007-2017)Boyko, Z. V.; Horozhankina, N. A.; Hrushka, V. V.; Korneyev, M. V.; Nebaba, N. A.
15-лют-2023Analysis of the state budgets of lower-middle-income and upper-middle-income countries: Evidence from Ukraine and LibyaKozmenko, Serhiy; Kozmenko, Olga; Gałecka, Agnieszka; Aldiwani, Khaled
17-січ-2023Assessment and forecasting of Ukraine’s financial security: Choice of alternativesRekunenko, Ihor; Zhuravka, Fedir; Nebaba, Natalia; Levkovych, Oksana; Chorna, Svitlana
28-лют-2023Assessment of financial monitoring efficiency in the banking system of UkraineBukhtiarova, Alina; Semenog, Andrii; Razinkova, Мila; Nebaba, Nataliia; Haber, Józef Antoni
3-січ-2023Assessment of Financial Sustainability of Local Budgets in the Budget Management System Using Kohonen MapsLysiak, Liubov; Kachula, Svitlana; Kushnir, Anna; Datsenko, Viktоriia; Tereshchenko, Tetiana
6-гру-2022Assessment of the external debt impact on a country’s economic development indicators: Evidence from UkrainePetrushenko, Yuriy; Korneyev, Maxim; Nebaba, Natalia; Banchuk-Petrosova, Olena; Bohorodytska, Anna
25-січ-2023Citizens ‘participation in the fight against criminal offences: political and legal aspectsLeheza, Yevhen; Dorokhina, Yuliia; Shamara, Oleksandr; Miroshnychenko, Serhii; Moroz, Vita
6-бер-2017E-customs as a part of e-government: state, problems and prospects (Ukrainian experience)Riaboi, Vadym; Рябой, Вадим
3-січ-2023Financial well-being of territorial communities and the economic growth of the regions of Ukraine: assessment and modeling of interrelationVoznyak, Halyna; Mulska, Olha; Bil, Mariana; Patytska, Khrystyna; Lysiak, Liubov
30-тра-2023Impact of the russian-ukrainian war on migration processes in the regionKuryliuk, Y.
21-бер-2019International trade promotion in Ukraine by harmonizing customs proceduresChirichenko, Yuriy V.; Чириченко, Ю.В.
20-гру-2018Marketing prospects of small developed African countries assessment for traditional Ukrainian exportsLyashenko, V.; Osadcha, N.; Galyasovskaya O.; Knyshek, O.; Ляшенко, В. І.; Осадча, Н. В.; Галясовська, О. В.; Книшек, О. О.; Ляшенко, В. И.; Осадчая, Н. В.; Галясовская, О. В.; Книшек, О. А.
1-тра-2023Public administration of agricultural economy sector – the EU experience for UkraineKiforenko, O. V.
9-сер-2023State funding of higher education as a factor of ensuring its quality: experience of the European countriesHryhorash, Olha; Chentsov, Victor; Nurgaliyeva, Almagul; Hryhorash, Tetiana
6-бер-2023The effectiveness of human capital in the context of the digital transformation of the economy: The case of UkraineRodchenko, Volodymyr; Rekun, Ganna; Fedoryshyna, Larysa; Roshchin, Ihor; Gazarian, Svitlana
2-сер-2023The public debt of Ukraine in the economic development policy in the war and post-war periods: Bibliometric analysisFilatova, Hanna; Voytov, Sergiy; Polishchuk, Yevheniia; Dudchyk, Oksana
3-кві-2023Transformation of subjects of public communication in innovative information space of modern UkraineDreshpak, Valerii M.
27-лют-2023Ukraine’s integration into the world arms marketZhuravka, Fedir; Botvinov, Rostislav; Parshyna, Marharyta; Makarenko, Tetiana; Nebaba, Natalia
9-тра-2023Understanding asean legal framework of external relations in the context of Ukraine – asean partnershipDeineko, D. O.