Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Korneyev, Maxim

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Результати 1 до 20 із 20
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2022-12-06A cognitive model for managing the national innovation system parameters based on international comparisons (the case of the EU countries)Khanin, Igor; Shevchenko, Gennadiy; Bilozubenko, Vladimir; Korneyev, Maxim
2022-12-06Additive economy and new horizons of innovative business developmentMelnyk, Leonid; Matsenko, Oleksandr; Kubatko, Oleksandr; Korneyev, Maxim; Tulyakov, Oleg
2022-12-06Analysis of asymmetry factors in the development of the EU tourism industryPolyakov, Maxim; Bilozubenko, Vladimir; Nebaba, Natalia; Korneyev, Maxim; Saihak, Yelyzaveta
2022-12-06Analysis of key university leadership factors based on their international rankings (QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education)Polyakov, Maxim; Bilozubenko, Vladimir; Korneyev, Maxim; Nebaba, Natalia
2022-12-06Assessment of the external debt impact on a country’s economic development indicators: Evidence from UkrainePetrushenko, Yuriy; Korneyev, Maxim; Nebaba, Natalia; Banchuk-Petrosova, Olena; Bohorodytska, Anna
2023-01-17Business marketing activities in Ukraine during wartimeKorneyev, Maxim; Berezhniuk, Ivan; Dzhyndzhoian, Volodymyr; Kubakh, Tatiana; Horb, Kostiantyn
2022-12-06Comparison of the digital economy development parameters in the EU countries in the context of bridging the digital divideBilozubenko, Vladimir; Yatchuk, Olha; Wolanin, Elżbieta; Serediuk, Tetiana; Korneyev, Maxim
2023-12-04Economic trends forecasting in the development of hotel business enterprisesStebliuk, Nataliia; Volosova, Nataliia; Nebaba, Natalia; Yudina, Olena; Korneyev, Maxim; Zhuravka, Fedir
2023-01-17Efficiency assessment of banking systems’ performanceKorneyev, Maxim; Berezhniuk, Ivan; Dzhyndzhoian, Volodymyr; Nebaba, Natalia; Voytov, Sergiy
2022-12-06Factors of uneven progress of the European Union countries towards a circular economyPolyakov, Maxim; Khanin, Igor; Bilozubenko, Vladimir; Korneyev, Maxim; Shevchenko, Gennadij
2023-12-01Global factors which influence the directions of social developmentSardak, Sergii; Korneyev, Maxim; Simakhova, Anastasiia; Bilskaya, Olha
2023-12-01Identification of dependencies between the imbalances of financial resources and investment flows in the eastern European economiesKorneyev, Maxim
2022-12-06Impact of public debt profile on economic growth: Evidence from NigeriaAiyedogbon, John O.; Zhuravka, Fedir; Korneyev, Maxim; Banchuk-Petrosova, Olena; Kravchenko, Olena
2023-11-30Improving methodology of estimating value of financial sector entities dealing in mergers and acquisitionsMakedon, Vyacheslav; Korneyev, Maxim
2022-12-06Information technologies for developing a company’s knowledge management systemPolyakov, Maxim; Khanin, Igor; Bilozubenko, Vladimir; Korneyev, Maxim; Nebaba, Natalia
2025-02-10Marriott International’s place in international hotel chainsHorozhankina, Nataliya; Korneyev, Maxim; Farzullaev, Rasul
2022-12-06Selection of parameters for multifactor model in the knowledge economy marketing (country level)Polyakov, Maxim; Bilozubenko, Vladimir; Korneyev, Maxim; Shevchenko, Gennadiy
2023-11-30The development of small business as a source of formation of local budget revenues in UkraineHryhorash, Olha; Korneyev, Maxim; Leheza, Yevgeny; Zolotukhina, Liliya; Hryhorash, Tetiana
2023-08-09The quality of higher education and its funding in countries with different levels of socio-economic developmentHryhorash, Olha; Bocharov, Dmytro; Korneyev, Maxim; Rudyanova, Tatyana; Hryhorash, Tetiana
2023-01-02The quality of higher education and its funding in countries with different levels of socio-economic developmentHryhorash, Olha; Bocharov, Dmytro; Korneyev, Maxim; Rudyanova, Tatyana; Hryhorash, Tetiana