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Название: An applied case of customs compliance and trade facilitation in Brazil: “Blue Line” – diagnosis and challenges
Другие названия: Соблюдение требований таможенного оформления и опыт упрощения процедур торговли в Бразилии на примере программы “Синяя линяя”: проблемы и перспективы
Авторы: Morini, Cristiano
Travassos Machado, Luiz Henrique
Costacurta de SÁ porto, Paulo
Fernandes, Rodrigo Mineiro
Trevisan, Rosaldo
Морини, Криштиану
Тревэссос Мачадо, Луис Энрике
Костакурта де са порто, Пауло
Фернандес, Родриго Минейро
Тревисан, Росалдо
Ключевые слова: trade facilitation
Blue Line
International Trade
упрощение процедур торговли
программа “Синяя Линия”
таможенная служба
международная торговля
Дата публикации: 6-апр-2017
Издательство: Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine
Библиографическое описание: 1.Appels, T & Struye de Swilande, H 1998, ‘The International Journal of Logistics Management’, Rolling Back the Frontiers: The Customs Clearance Revolution, vol. 9, no.1, p.111-118 2.Bandeira de Mello, Celso Antônio 2009, Curso de Direito Administrativo, Malheiros, 26. ed, São Paulo 3.Basaldua, Ricardo Xavier 1988 (reed. 2008), Introducción al Derecho Aduanero, AbeledoPerrot, Buenos Aires 4.Juan Patricio, ‘El derecho aduanero y la Organización Mundial del Comercio’, in Cotter, Juan Patricio (coord.) 2007, Estudios de Derecho Aduanero: homenaje al Dr. Juan Patricio Cotter Moine, LexisLexis, Buenos Aires, pp. 3-26 5.‘La Aduana: Concepto y Funciones Esenciales y Contingentes’, 2007, Revista de Estudios Aduaneros, vol.18, Instituto Argentino de Estudios Aduaneros, Buenos Aires 6.Batista Junior, Onofre Alves 2001, O pode de polítca fiscal, Mandamentos, Belor Horizonte 7.Coelho, Flavio José Passos 2008, Facilitação comercial: desafio para uma Aduana moderna, Aduaneiras, Sao Paulo. 8.Engman, M, ‘The Economic Impact of Trade Facilitation’, in The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2009, Overcoming border bottlenecks: the costs and benefits of trade facilitation, OECD 9.Freitas, H, Oliveira, M, Saccol, A. Z & Moscarola, J 2000, ‘O método de pesquisa survey’, Revista de Administração, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 105-112, Sao Paulo 10.Haughton, M. A & Desmeules, R 2001, ‘Recent reform in customs administrations’, The international Journal of Logistics Management, vol.12, no.1, pp. 65-82 11.Lawrence, R, Hanouz, M & Doherty, S (eds) 2012, ‘The Global Enabling Trade Report: reducing supply chain barriers”, World Economic Forum, Committee to Improving the State of the World 12.Matsuda, S 2012, ‘The Time Release Stidy as a performance measurement tool for a supply chain and an international corridor’, World Customs Journal, vol. 6, no.1, pp. 79-92 13.Moise, E, ‘Trade Facilitation Reform in the Service of Development’ in The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2009, Overcoming border bottlenecks: the costs and benefits of trade facilitation, OECD 14.Morini, C, ‘A facilitação comercial como ferramenta de inserção da indústria nacional nas redes de produção internacionais’ in Sá Porto, P. C (org) 2013, Organização Mundial do Comércio – temas contemporâneos, Leopoldianum, Santos 15.Morini, C & Leoce, G 2011, Logística Internacional Segura: Operador Econômico Autorizado (OEA) e a Gestão de Fronteiras no Século XXI. Atlas, São Paulo 16.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 2013, ‘Aid-for-trade case stories: trade facilitation’, OECD, France, http://www.oecd.org/aidfortrade/48323804.pdf. 17.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 2005, ‘The economic impact of trade facilitation’, Trade Policy Working Paper, OECD, no. 21 18.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 2009, Overcoming Border Bottlenecks: the costs and benefits of trade facilitation, OECD Trade Policy Studies, OECD. 19.Portugal Perez, A & Wilson, J.S. 2010, ‘Export Performance and Trade Faciliation Reform: Hard and Soft Infrastructure’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5261 20.Receita Federal Brasileira 2012. Study Document. ‘Visão de Futuro para a Aduana Brasileira’, RFB, http://www.dsbh.org.br/docs/documentoaduana.pdf 21.Shepherd, B & Wilson, J.S. 2009, ‘Trade facilitation in ASEAN member countries: Measuring progress and assessing priorities’, Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 20, no. 4 , pp. 367 – 383 22.Silva, E. L. & Menezes, E. M. 2005, Metodologia de Pesquisa e Elaboração de Dissertação, UFSC, 4th ed, Florianópolis 23.Souza, M.J.P. & Burnquist, H.L. 2011, ‘Facilitação do comércio e impactos sobre o comércio bilateral’, Est. Econ., vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 91-118, jan./mar, Sao Paulo 24.Trevisan, Rosaldo, ‘Direito Aduaneiro e Direito Tributário – Distinções Básicas’, in Trevisan, Rosaldo (org.) 2008, Temas atuais de Direito Aduaneiro, Lex Editora, São Paulo, pp. 11-55 25.Van Den Bossche, Peter 2005, The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: text, cases and materials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 26.Walkenhorst, P & Yasui, T, ‘Quantitative Assesment of the Benefits of Trade Facilitation’, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 2009, Overcoming border bottlenecks: the costs and benefits of trade facilitation, OECD 27.Wilson, N, ‘Examining the Effect of Certain Customs and Administrative Procedures on Trade’ in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 2009, Overcoming border bottlenecks: the costs and benefits of trade facilitation, OECD 28.World Customs Organization, ‘Glossary of international customs terms’, viewed 12 October -2011, http://www.wcoomd.org/en/topics/facilitation/instrument-and-tools
Серия/номер: Customs;№ 1, 2015
Аннотация: The main points of this paper were presented at the first Global Conference of the International Network of Customs Universities on May 21-23, 2014 in Baku, the Azerbaijan Republic. This study seeks to analyze a Brazilian customs procedure, in line with trade facilitation strategy, and closely following customs control security standards. Express Customs Clearance is the customs compliance program, also known as “Blue Line”. Blue Line started in the airport of Viracopos (Campinas/Sao Paulo, Brazil), in 1998, as a result of a partnership between customs, Infraero (airport trustee), importers, airlines, and cargo agents seeking to facilitate the movement of goods. As certified Blue Line companies represent a significant percentage of Brazilian imports and exports, each certified company substantially reduces the number of selections for red and yellow channels. This, in turn, allows customs workers more time for activities with higher risk levels. The methodology is based on qualitative and quantitative data collected through field research (survey type). The data collection method was a questionnaire structured with open and closed questions, related to Blue Line. A total of 46 companies are certified in Blue Line in Brazil, from which 25 of them are associated companies of AER. Thirteen (13) companies participated of such field research (return rate of 52%), in the months of March and April 2013. The results of the applied research showed that the most frequent users of Blue Line are machinery and equipment industries mostly located in the state of Sao Paulo. The use of Blue Line has accelerated customs clearance and reduced supply chain costs. However, difficulties in customs regulatory and procedural framework of foreign trade and trade facilitation could be identified in our research. The resolution of these flaws will improve customs control mechanisms and broaden the base of Blue Line certified companies.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2118
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