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dc.contributor.author | Imanov, Rasim | - |
dc.contributor.author | Иманов, Расим | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-03-21T14:01:34Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2019-03-21T14:01:34Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2019-03-21 | - |
dc.identifier.citation | 1. Akulenko, V.I. Gumanizm i varvarstvo: o spasenii kulturnyih tsennostey v period Velikoy Otechestvennoy voynyi 1941–1945 godov [Humanism and barbarism: about the salvation of cultural property during The Second World War from 1941 to 1945] / V.I Akulenko, N.S Yunak. – K., 1987. - 48 p. (in Russian) 2. Boguslavsky M.M. Kulturnyie tsennosti v mezhdunarodnom oborote: pravovyie aspektyi: monografiya [Cultural properties in international turnover: Legal Aspects: Monograph] / M.M. Boguslavsky. - 22e ed.. And added.- M: Norma: INFRAAM, 2012. -416 p. (in Russian) 3. Bulatov R.B. Kulturnyie tsennosti: pravovaya reglamentatsiya i yuridicheskaya zaschita [Cultural properties: legal regulation and legal protection: the dissertation. Thesis. ... Cand. law. Science] / R.B. Bulatov - St. Petersburg: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, St. Petersburg Institute of Law, 1995. − S. 12. (in Russian) 4. Gorbik, V.O. 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Kalashnikova // Promezhutochnyj otchet nauchno-issledovatelskih rabot za 2012. – Khmelnytskyi: Gosudarstvennyj nauchno-issledovatel'skij institut tamozhennogo dela, 2013 (in Russian) 7. Kalashnikova O. L. Razrabotka standarta katalogizacii artefaktov kak put' k uvelicheniju jeffektivnosti tamozhennogo kontrolja za peremeshheniem kul'turnyh cennostej [Development of the standard of cataloging artefacts as a way to increase the efficiency of Customs control over the movement of cultural properties] / O. L. Kalashnikova // Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [“Issledovanija teoreticheskih aspektov i razrabotka sistemy ocenki jeffektivnosti tamozhennyh procedur”], (Khmelnytskyi, 2014). – Khmelnytskyi: Gosudarstvennyj nauchno-issledovatel'skij institut tamozhennogo dela, 2014 – p. 25 – 26 (in Russian) 8. Kalashnikova O. L. Sravnitel'nyj analiz mezhdunarodnoj i ukrainskoj sistem registracii i identifikacii kul'turnyh cennostej [Comparative analysis of international and Ukrainian registration and identification systems of cultural properties] / O. L. Kalashnikova // Tamozhennaja bezopasnost'. – 2013. – No 2. – p. 70 – 75 (in Russian) 9. Martynenko I.E. Mezhdunarodnaya i natsionalnyie pravovyie sistemyi ohranyi istoriko-kulturnogo naslediya gosudarstv-uchastnikov Sodruzhestva nezavisimyih gosudarstv: ucheb. posobie [International and national legal system for the protection of historical and cultural heritage of the Commonwealth of Independent States: a tutorial] / I.E. Martynenko. − Moscow: Zerkalo-M, 2012. − 943 p. (in Russian) 10. Morar' T. A. Kul'turnye cennosti kak predmet prestuplenija, predusmotrennogo, st. 201 UK Ukrainy [Cultural properties as a subject of a crime under the Criminal Code of Ukraine, Article No 201] / T. A. 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Nowak, T., Sowinski, C., Czyzrowicz, W., P. 2015, “Customs protection of cultural property as part of the security policy of the European Union”, Customs Scientific Journal CUSTOMS, Vol 5, No 2 (2015), pp. 7 – 17, viewed 23 March 2016, http:// ccjournals.eu/ojs/index.php/customs | uk_UA |
dc.identifier.uri | http://biblio.umsf.dp.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/3336 | - |
dc.description.abstract | This paper was presented at the 10th annual WCO PICARD conference (in the frameworks of the “Youth Forum”), 8-10 September 2015 in Baku, the Republic of Republic Azerbaijan.This scientific paper is dedicated to the analysis based on a comparison of the cultural objects description structure in the licensing and registration documents used in Ukraine and the European Union. The author has carried out a comparative analysis of the documents verification process, identification and registration procedures of cultural properties being transferred across the Customs border of Ukraine on permanent or temporary conditions, which are used in the international and national practice. Cases of import, export and transit of cultural properties through the customs border of Ukraine were considered in detail. The author described cases of expert evaluation, on the basis of which a decision about the possibility or impossibility of cultural property export is taken.The author highlights the lack of necessary photographs during cultural property movement across the customs border, which have undergone the state expert evaluation and are allowed to be exported from the country, as well as many museums catalogues of Ukraine do not have photos of the cultural objects belonging to museum collections.To fully analyze the chosen subject general scientific methods of investigation, namely analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization were used.In conclusion, the author states that a priority task to be solved is creating a unified database, built by the same rules of artefacts description and definition of a single procedure for the cultural property registration. The European system of cultural objects description should become an example of unique cultural property identification. | uk_UA |
dc.language.iso | en | uk_UA |
dc.publisher | Університет митної справи та фінансів | uk_UA |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Customs Scientific Journal;№1,2016 | - |
dc.subject | identification | uk_UA |
dc.subject | cultural property | uk_UA |
dc.subject | registration | uk_UA |
dc.subject | Object ID | uk_UA |
dc.subject | Standard export license | uk_UA |
dc.subject | идентификация | uk_UA |
dc.subject | культурные ценности | uk_UA |
dc.subject | регистрация | uk_UA |
dc.subject | учетная идентификационная карточка предмета | uk_UA |
dc.subject | стандартная экспортная лицензия | uk_UA |
dc.title | The issue of cultural objects descriptions unification in the licensing and registration documents of Ukraine and the EU as a method of smuggling prevention | uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative | Проблема унификации описания объектов культуры в разрешительных и регистрационных документах Украины и стран Европейского союза как метод борьбы с контрабандой | uk_UA |
dc.type | Article | uk_UA |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Customs 2016/1 |
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