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dc.contributor.authorBoyko, Zoya-
dc.contributor.authorHorozhankina, Nataliya-
dc.contributor.authorHorb, Constantine-
dc.identifier.citationBoyko Z. Methods of tourist resources evaluation as a component of tourism organization / Z. Boyko, N. Horozhankina, C. Horb // Наукові записки. Рекреаційна географія і туризм. -2020. -№1. - С. 70-76.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAn analysis of the history and the periodicity of the development of methods for assessing tourist resources have been carried out. Content analysis is considered to be one of the most effective at present in promoting social networking. It has been found that quantitative and qualitative, differential and integral estimates are most often used when evaluating tourism resources. An evaluation method based on the methodological principles of content analysis and subsequent scoring is proposed. This method makes it possible to evaluate the visual tourist appeal and popularity of individual regions by the number of images of objects in their territories on certain Internet resources. Content analysis is a special formalized method of studying textual and graphical information, which consists in the presentation of information in quantitative indicators and its statistical processing. It is characterized by high accuracy and systematicity.uk_UA
dc.publisherТернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюкаuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesНаукові записки. Рекреаційна географія і туризм.;2020 №1-
dc.subjecttourist resourcesuk_UA
dc.subjectorganization of tourismuk_UA
dc.subjectcontent analysisuk_UA
dc.subjectweb siteuk_UA
dc.titleMethods of tourist resources evaluation as a component of tourism organizationuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра міжнародних відносин

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