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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorIvanova, N.-
dc.identifier.citationIvanova N. National context of the study of the problem of digital marketing management in scientometric databases. Науковий погляд: економіка та управління. 2023. №4(84). С. 41-47.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThis study attempts to determine the content of the national context for studying issues related to digital marketing management. The research was based on scientific articles by Ukrainian scientists included in the Web of Science scientometric database, with a total of 92 articles. The research was conducted using bibliometric analysis methods, including quantitative analysis, relevance of scientific resources, author relevance, relevance of affiliation, and thematic analysis. The limitation of this study is that it focuses exclusively on data from the Web of Science scientometric database. In future research, a similar analysis using other scientometric databases, such as Scopus, would be appropriate to confirm or expand the results presented in this study.uk_UA
dc.publisherУніверситет митної справи та фінансівuk_UA
dc.subjectdigital marketinguk_UA
dc.subjectbibliometric analysisuk_UA
dc.subjectnational contextuk_UA
dc.subjectWeb of Scienceuk_UA
dc.titleNational context of the study of the problem of digital marketing management in scientometric databasesuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeНаціональний контекст дослідження проблеми управління цифровим маркетингом в наукометричних базах данихuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:2023/4(84)

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