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dc.contributor.authorYazina, V.-
dc.contributor.authorSabirov, O.-
dc.contributor.authorMatukhno, O.-
dc.identifier.citationYazina V., Sabirov O., Matukhno O. Analysis of the impact of war on the restaurant industry in Ukraine. Науковий погляд: економіка та управління. 2024. №2(86). С. 40-45.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThis article examines and analyzes the statistics on the development of restaurant enterprises in Ukraine during the war, and presents innovative approaches to transformations that have occurred due to extraordinary events. Innovation, by definition, implies novelty, a recent change, or invention. Therefore, in this work, innovative approaches refer to the innovations introduced to enhance the resilience of the restaurant industry in Ukraine. To characterize and determine these changes, the operation of restaurant establishments was analyzed over the specified period 2020–2023 and indicators that affect the activity of restaurant establishments were identified. The impact of the state of emergency (war) on the functioning of public catering establishments was analyzed. It was determined that the war could have a significant impact on the restaurant industry in Ukraine on several levels: economic impact – the armed conflict can lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population due to reduced wages, unemployment, and a general economic downturn; security –military actions can complicate the operation of restaurants due to restricted access to certain areas or increased security threats for both staff and customers; supply – the war can disrupt supply chains, especially if restaurants rely on imported products, which can lead to increased food prices or even shortages; tourism – the war can deter tourists from visiting the country, leading to a reduction in the number of clients in restaurants, particularly in tourist locations. Innovative approaches and solutions that positively affect the stability of restaurant establishments in Ukraine were analyzed and systematized. Recommendations were developed to enhance the resilience of restaurant establishments during force majeure and emergency situations. Analyzing the transformations and the implemented innovative approaches in the restaurant sector of Ukraine is important for understanding the dynamics of changes and gaining experience for potential further adaptation to extraordinary conditions.uk_UA
dc.publisherУніверситет митної справи та фінансівuk_UA
dc.subjectinnovative approachesuk_UA
dc.subjectrestaurant establishmentsuk_UA
dc.subjectCOVID-19 pandemicuk_UA
dc.titleAnalysis of the impact of war on the restaurant industry in Ukraineuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeАналіз впливу війни на заклади ресторанного господарства в Україніuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:2024/2(86)

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