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dc.contributor.authorBessarab, A.-
dc.contributor.authorVolynets, G.-
dc.contributor.authorKodatska, N.-
dc.contributor.authorMykytiv, G.-
dc.contributor.authorOstrovska, N.-
dc.identifier.citationBessarab A., Volynets G., Kodatska N., Mykytiv G., Ostrovska N. The development of critical thinking and fact-checking as a basis for shaping the media culture and psychological health of modern youth. AD ALTA Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2023. Vol. 13. Issue 2. рр.115–119.uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn2464-6733 (Online)-
dc.description.abstractThe second decade of the XXI century is characterized by new approaches in human communication and society's interaction with mass media. Starting from adolescence and childhood, modern people spend a significant part of their time on social networks. These networks have evolved from simple communication and dating services to full-fledged information platforms. In complex social systems, where collective action is a vital life structure, the most crucial foundational principle is coordinating managerial actions and organizational measures with the laws of social self-organization. Creating something significant without understanding how social processes are organized and regulated is impossible. The task of creating a system of media culture in the country's educational system is, first and foremost, about meeting the needs of the learners, the specifics of the situation, and changing trends.uk_UA
dc.publisherMAGNANIMITAS Assnuk_UA
dc.subjectinformation spaceuk_UA
dc.subjectmedia cultureuk_UA
dc.subjectmedia literacyuk_UA
dc.titleThe development of critical thinking and fact-checking as a basis for shaping the media culture and psychological health of modern youthuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра журналістики

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