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Назва: Mobile robot navigation based on laser range-metry methods
Автори: Streltsov, O. V.
Hrynyov, M. A.
Skalozub, V. Yu.
Buyukli, D. M.
Ключові слова: mobile robot
navigation system
laser range finder
scanning lidar
terrain map
dynamic obstacles
Дата публікації: 12-лют-2025
Видавництво: Університет митної справи та фінансів
Бібліографічний опис: Streltsov O. V., Hrynyov M. A., Skalozub V. Yu., Buyukli D. M. Mobile robot navigation based on laser range-metry methods. Системи та технології. № 2 (68). 2024. С. 71-77.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article is devoted to solving the problem of finding people who are under the debris of destroyed buildings, which requires an urgent solution to ensure an effective rescue operation. The primary focus of this research is the development and refinement of a navigation system for a mobile rescue robot. This paper specifically explores localization techniques and methods for constructing a map of an unknown environment, which are crucial for the robot’s effective operation in complex and dynamic settings. The overarching goal of the study is to identify the most adaptable and precise navigation method that can effectively manage the movement of a mobile robot in environments characterized by unpredictable and shifting obstacles. To solve the tasks, modern methods of laser telemetry and SLAM methods (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) are used in the work, which are used to accurately create a map of the territory and localize the robot on it. The research proposes an innovative algorithm for the navigation system of a mobile robot, which leverages laser telemetry to meticulously scan the surrounding area. It has been shown that scanning process is essential for real-time data acquisition, enabling the robot to make informed decisions regarding its movement. It is stated that, the proposed lidar-based navigation method is particularly advantageous as it facilitates the creation of a detailed spatial map, even in environments where the layout is not known in advance. This approach allows for the precise determination of the robot’s position within the mapped space, ensuring that the robot can navigate effectively and avoid potential hazards. It is proved that, the integration of these advanced techniques significantly enhances the robot’s ability to perform in search and rescue missions, where the accurate and timely localization of trapped individuals is of paramount importance.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу):
ISSN: 2521-6643
Розташовується у зібраннях:2024/2(68)

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