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dc.contributor.authorLeheza, Yevhen-
dc.contributor.authorKolomoiets, Yuliia-
dc.contributor.authorChalyk, Vadim-
dc.contributor.authorKovalchuk, Yuliia-
dc.contributor.authorSakhno, Artem-
dc.identifier.citationLeheza Y. Foreign experience of financial-legal and administrative-legal regulation of the activities of public administration bodies / Y. Leheza, Y. Kolomoiets, V. Chalyk, Y. Kovalchuk, A. Sakhno. Revista Do Curso De Direito Do UNIFOR. 2024. №15(1). С. 51–60.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the research is to consider financial and legal, administrative regulation and foreign experience of performing control over activities of public administration bodies. Main content. Defined are the main evaluation measures for ensuring effectiveness of control measures are defined; this evaluation is carried out according to the following stages: determination of quantitative and qualitative parameters for evaluating effectiveness of control; assessment of the competence of control bodies or assessment of internal and external control effectiveness, etc. Methodology: The methodological basis of the research is presented as comparative-legal and systematic analysis, formal-legal method, interpretation method, hermeneutic method as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. Conclusions. The following conclusion has been made that the following criteria are proposed for evaluating effectiveness of controlling public administration bodies: quality and completeness, reliability of information received by the controlling bodies; timeliness of control, regularity of control, objectivity of control, lightness of control measures.uk_UA
dc.subjectadministrative and legal principlesuk_UA
dc.subjectforeign experienceuk_UA
dc.subjectpublic administration bodiesuk_UA
dc.subjectfinancial and legal regulationuk_UA
dc.titleForeign experience of financial-legal and administrative-legal regulation of the activities of public administration bodiesuk_UA
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