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dc.contributor.authorWolffgang, H.-M.-
dc.contributor.authorNatzel, J. M.-
dc.identifier.citation1. Regulation (EC) No 648/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 April 2005 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code, Official Journal (EC) L 117. – 04.05.2005. – P. 13. 2. Authorised Economic Operator, Project Report by the Customs 2007 Project Group, TAXUD C/4 D/1480. – 04.07.2005. – P. 2; available on the home page of the EU Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/policy_issues/customs_security/index_de.htm; Aigner, Der Status des zugelassenen Wirtschaftsbeteiligten, AW-Prax 2005, 281 (281). 3. Lux, AW-Prax 2006, 443 (443). 4. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1875/2006 of 18 December 2006 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code, Official Journal (EC) L 360. – 19.12.2006. – P. 64. 5. Art. 3 (2) CCIP Amending Regulation (fn. 4); Art. 14b (2), (3) CCIP only apply from 1 July 2009. 6. SAFE Framework of standards to secure and facilitate global trade (www.wcoomd.org). 7. Authorised Economic Operators, Guidelines, TAXUD/2006/1450, 07/05/2007; available on the Homepage of the EU Commission (fn. 2). 8. Art. 2 (2), (3) sentence 1 of the CC Amending Regulation (fn. 1). 9. Art. 3 (2) of the CC Amending Regulation (fn. 4). 10. Art. 1 (1) No. 12 CCIP is according to Art. 3 of the CCIP Amending Regulation (fn. 4) already entered into force seven days after ist publication in the Official Journal, i.e. 27 December 2006. 11. Witte, Zollkodex (ISBN 978-3-406-53960-2), 2006, 4th edn., Art. 5 a, Rn. 22; Wittе/Wolffgang, Lehrbuch des Europäischen Zollrechts (ISBN 978-3-482-43545-4). – 2007. – 5th edn. – P. 69; Wolffgang/Natzel, Der zugelassene Wirtschaftsbeteiligte, ZfZ 2006, 357 (359); Natzel, Der zugelassene Wirtschaftsbeteiligte, 2007. – Pp. 103 ff. 12. Witte, Zollkodex, Art. 5 a CC para. 28; Natzel, Der zugelassene Wirtschaftsbeteiligte, pp. 134 ff. 13. Witte, Zollkodex, Art. 5 a CC para. 21; Natzel, Der zugelassene Wirtschaftsbeteiligte, pp. 133 f. 14. See Art. 91, 93, 168 ZK, Art. 107, 189, 218 f., 296 f., 313 f. CCIP. 15. Witte, Zollkodex, Art. 5 a CC para. 31. 16. Commission Regulation (EC) No 3122/94 of 20 December 1994 laying down criteria for risk analysis as regards agricultural products receiving refunds, Official Journal (EC) L 330. – 21.12.1994. – P. 31. 17. Art. 1 point 4, 2nd indent of this regulation. 18. Authorised Economic Operators, Guidelines, TAXUD/2006/1450. – 07.05.2007. – P. 78. 19. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on enhancing supply chain security, COM (2006) 79, 27.02.2006. 20. Commission Regulation (EC) No 622/2003 of 4 April 2003 laying down measures for the implementation of the common basic standards on aviation security, Official Journal (EC) L 89. – 05.04.2003. – P. 10. 21. Art. 2 CCIP Amending Regulation (fn. 4). 22. Witte/Wolffgang, Lehrbuch des Europäischen Zollrechts, p. 79. 23. Art. 4f (2), sentence 2 CCIP; Art. 13 (2) (1) CC. 24. Authorised Economic Operator, Project Report by the Customs 2007 Project Group, TAXUD C/4 D/1480, 04.07.2005. – P. 9. 25. Cf. Art. 261 (4) CCIP concerning the simplified declaration procedure/local clearance procedure; Art. 373 (3) CCIP for the transit procedure; Art. 313b (3) a CCIP concerning the establishment of a shipping line. 26. Witte, Zollkodex, Art. 5a CC para. 61 f. 27. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the Community Customs Code (Modernised Customs Code), COM (2005) 608. – 30.11.2005. – Explanatory Memorandum. – P. 9. 28. Art. 3 (2) sentence 2 CCIP Amending Regulation. 29. Authorised Economic Operator, Project Report by the Customs 2007 Project Group, TAXUD C/4 D/1480, 04/07/2005, pp. 2, 9; see recital (5) of the CCIP Amending Regulation (fn. 4); Natzel, Der zugelassene Wirtschaftsbeteiligte, pp. 259 ff. 30. Natzel, Der zugelassene Wirtschaftsbeteiligte, p. 285.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe European Community recently introduced the legal concept of the “Authorized Economic Operator” (AERO) into its customs law. In accordance with the SAFE Framework of the World Customs Organization the basic aim underlying this concept is to increase security in international trade whilst facilitating legitimate trade. To achieve this, the customs authorities are to carry out a detailed assessment of the reliability of economic participants and where the results are positive, grant them the status of “Authorized Economic Operator”. Holders of the certificate will have benefits in the form of customs simplifications and/or security facilitations. This approach establishes “strategic partnerships” between customs and the economy. Customs controls can be carried out more precisely which will enhance their effectiveness. The provisions relating to the AEO did enter into force on 1 January 2008.uk_UA
dc.publisherАкадемія митної служби Україниuk_UA
dc.subjectEconomical operatorsuk_UA
dc.subjectforeign economic activityuk_UA
dc.subjectEuropean Unionuk_UA
dc.subjectCustoms Law,uk_UA
dc.subjectinternational tradeuk_UA
dc.titleThe authorised economic operator in the European Unionuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:2011/2

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