Customs 2012/1 Головна сторінка зібрання Перегляд статистики

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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 11 з 11
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
3-кві-2017The history of the development of the US customs administration and its influence on the development of the countryOlson, Robert E.
3-кві-2017The problems of the Russian Federation customs activity management nowadaysAksenova, Nina
3-кві-2017The need for greater convergence and coordination between customs and tax authorities over the issue of transfer pricingOleksiienko, Roman
3-кві-2017Customs control in the 21st centuryArnold, Mihály
3-кві-2017Customs Service of independent Azerbaijan is successfully walking the path of dynamic developmentAliyev, Aydin
3-кві-2017Smuggling as a crime of international character: concept, characteristics, qualificationsMartsiushevskaya, Elena; Ostroga, Victor
3-кві-2017International experience and programme-oriented and target-based Approach in modernization process of the Customs Service of the Republic of BelarusShpilevsky, Aleksandr
3-кві-2017Strategic aspects of Russian Federation Customs Service developmentBelyaninov, Andrei Yu.
3-кві-2017The analysis of innovative educational technologies development in training of customs business specialists in the Eurasian economic community countriesErshov, Alexander; Stepanova, Ekaterina
3-кві-2017Modernization strategy within the German customs administration: the example of education and training of customs officersGellert, Lothar
3-кві-2017Customs representation in PolandCZYŻOWICZ, Wieslaw; GWARDZIŃSKA, Ewa
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 11 з 11