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Назва: The need for greater convergence and coordination between customs and tax authorities over the issue of transfer pricing
Автори: Oleksiienko, Roman
Ключові слова: Customs authority
Tax authority
multinational corporation
customs value
taxation basis
customs taxes and duties
arm's length principle
WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations
Дата публікації: 3-кві-2017
Видавництво: Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine
Бібліографічний опис: Ahuja, Neeru 2003, Practical problems in transfer pricing, Deloitte Haskins & Sells, viewed 17.11.2011, http://www.slideshare.net/sanjay_jhaa/practical-problems-intransfer-pricing Avi-Yonah, Reuven S. 2009, Between Formulary Apportionment and the OECD Guidelines: A Proposal for Reconciliation, University of Michigan law school, The John M. Olin Center for Law & Economics Working Paper Series, Paper 102, viewed 07.02.2012, http://law.bepress.com/cgi/ Bell, Kevin 2009, "Can Formulary Approach Fit into Arm's-Length Confines? Formulary Advocate Dubs OECD Draft Chapters a Significant Step", Tax Management Transfer Pricing Report, Volume: 18, Issue: 14, viewed 07.02.2012, http:// www.mendeley.com/research/can-formulary-approach-fit-into-armslength-confinesformulary-advocate-dubs-oecd-draft-chapters-a-significant-step/ Brown Gianni, Monica 1996, "Transfer pricing and formulary apportionment", Taxes, Volume: 74, Issue: 3, viewed 07.02.2012, http://www.mendeley.com/research/ transfer-pricing-and-formulary-apportionment/ Butani, Mukesh, 2011, India – TP and Customs Valuation. Interplay between transfer pricing and Customs valuation, viewed 20.12.2011, http://online.ibfd.org/ collections/tpcvtp/html/tpcvtp_in_s_003.html?WT.z_nav=rssfeed Carter, W. K., Maloney, D. M., Van Vranken, M. 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Серія/номер: Special edition;№ 1, 2012
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article is devoted to the peculiarities of applying the transfer prices between the dependent enterprises inside the common area of the multinational corporations as well as to the complications and problems of convergence between the Customs and Tax authorities over the issue of controlling and checking the transfer prices. The need for this convergence and coordination between these mentioned state bodies is shown and proven. The main points of contact are analysed in the direction for controlling the transfer prices from the side of the Customs and Tax authorities. The comparison of the existing methods and approaches used by the Customs and Tax authorities in the plane of defining the transfer price and the Customs value is fulfilled. The ways of further cooperation and convergence between the Customs and Tax authorities are defined.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2060
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