Customs 2016/2 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-04-06Shareholders interestBabayeva, Nigar; Бабаева, Нигяр
2017-04-06Customs control and risk management system on the example of the Ukrainian customsKomarov, Oleg; Комаров, Олег
2017-04-06Impact of trade openness in labour intensive full package manufacturing industries and its fragmented value chain: a theoretical study of readymade garments sector of BangladeshHassan, Tariq; Хассан, Тарик
2017-04-06Improving the fiscal component of customs activity – a step towards the implementation of customs reformsBorisenko, Olga; Kveliashvili, Irina; Борисенко, Ольга; Квелиашвили, Ирина
2017-04-06The principles of public administration mechanisms modernization in the field of Сustoms affairsChentsov, Victor; Pavlenko, Olena; Triakina, Olga; Ченцов, Виктор; Павленко, Елена; Трякина, Ольга
2017-04-06The Johannesburg convention on mutual customs assistance – is a new tool failing early?Weerth, Carsten; Веерт, Карстен
2017-04-06A place of the RILO network in a customs prevention institutional mechanismRybaczyk, Magdalena; Рыбачик, Магдалена
2017-04-06Analysis of the work of Ukrainian sea ports and prospects of their development based on the container terminal “Transport Investment Service”Pasechnik, Anatoly; Kushchenko, Eugene; Пасечник, Анатолий; Кущенко, Евгений
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8