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Поле DC | Значення | Мова |
dc.contributor.author | Aksenova, Nina | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-04-03T08:12:36Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2017-04-03T08:12:36Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2017-04-03 | - |
dc.identifier.citation | 1. Order of the Russian Government of 14.12.2005 № 225-p. The Concept of the Russian Federation customs authorities‟ development. 2. Andreev A. F. The basis of the administrative theory. Lectures: RIO RCA, 2009. 3. Atamanchuk G. V. The theory of the state management: Lectures 4th publication., М.: Оmega-L, 2006. 4. Andreev A. F., Makrusev V. V. The basis of the administrative theory. Lectures on specialty «Customs business»; RCA. – M.: RCA, 2009. 5. Baramzin S. V. Funktsii upravleniya v tamozhennom dele (problemy kachestva protsessov i rezultatov) [Administrative functions in customs business (problems of the process and results quality)]: monograph. М.: Russian Customs Academy, 2009. 6. Demchenko A. A. Organization and management in the customs authorities‟ system: lectures М.: RIO RCA, 2007. 7. Dianova V. Yu., Pavlenko O. A. Management of the customs authorities‟ development on the basis of balanced system of indicators: monograph. М: Russian Customs Academy, 2009. 8. Makrusev V. V. The basis of the system analysis: textbook М.: RIO RCA, 2006. 9. The basis of the Russian customs authorities‟ management: textbook / V.V. Makrusev, V.T. Timofeev, I. N. Kolobova, S. I. Baramzin, A. F. Andreev/ edited by V.A. Chernykh. М.: Russian Customs Academy, 2009. 10. Babinskaya N. V. Improvement of the structure changes management in the system of the Russian Federation customs authorities: thesis. Moscow, 2006. 11. Markina O. V. Working out of the Russian Federation customs authorities‟ development theoretical concepts on the basis of institutional approach: thesis. Moscow, 2008. 12. Pavlenko О.А. Customs authorities development management on the basis of balanced system of their activity indicators: thesis. Moscow, 2007. 13. Andreev А.F. Theoretical aspects of the customs business‟ efficiency and quality assessment// Messenger of the Russian Customs Academy. М., 2008. №1. 14. Andreev А.F. Messenger of the Russian Customs Academy. М., 2008. №2(3). 15. Chernysh А.Ya. Theoretical aspects of the customs institute development as a form of the customs activity organization // Messenger of the Russian Customs Academy. М., 2007 № 1. 16. The official web-site of the Russian Federal Customs Service. URL: www.customs.ru. 17. Report about the results and the main directions of the Russian Federal Customs Service activity on 2008-2010: [e-resource]. Access mode: Word Wide Web. URL http:// www.customs.ru. 18. Report about the results and the main directions of the Russian Federal Customs Service activity on 2009-2011: [e-resource]. Access mode: Word Wide Web. URL http:// www.customs.ru. 19. Management in the customs authorities‟ management [e-resource]: Basics of the management in customs authorities and administrative organizational structures in the customs authorities system. M.: TRANSPORTAL.ORG, 2009-2010. Access mode: World Wide Web. URL: http:// www.transportall.org. 20. Customs [e-resource]: Organization, system and structure of the customs authorities. M.: NAKHODKA – BETTA.RU, 2009-2010. Access mode: World Wide Web. URL: http://www.nakhodka – betta.ru. | uk_UA |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2061 | - |
dc.description.abstract | This article is devoted to the main aspects of the Russian Federation customs management. Methods of the customs system management model optimization, its functions which provide with the increasing of the Russian Federation customs system activity economic effectiveness are described in this article. | uk_UA |
dc.language.iso | en | uk_UA |
dc.publisher | Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine | uk_UA |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Special edition;№ 1, 2012 | - |
dc.subject | management | uk_UA |
dc.subject | customs management system | uk_UA |
dc.subject | Russian Federation customs activity economic effectiveness | uk_UA |
dc.subject | improvement of customs management system | uk_UA |
dc.title | The problems of the Russian Federation customs activity management nowadays | uk_UA |
dc.type | Article | uk_UA |
Розташовується у зібраннях: | Customs 2012/1 |
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