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Title: Standards for goods and services and education standards: promotion of standards
Authors: Pavlenko, O. O,
Triakina, O. O
Kouzmine, S. I.
Keywords: standards for goods and services
education standards
promoting and teaching standards
international trade
стандарти на товари і послуги
стандарти освіти
впровадження і навчання стандартам
міжнародна торгівля
Issue Date: 9-Mar-2016
Publisher: Академія митної служби України
Series/Report no.: Економіка 1/2015
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the issue of goods and services standards influence on facilitating international commerce as well as companies’ ability to compete at international markets. The authors stress on standards’ competencies required by the labour market and make an overview of aspects/knowledge of standards issues being important at different levels in a company. The paper also considers the programmes on teaching standards for both technical and non-technical specializations within different educational establishments. The authors analyze the UNECE activities on promoting and teaching standards. The international requirements to customs officers’ competencies on standardization matters defined by the WCO Professional Standards on standardization have been identified.
ISSN: 2310-0672
Appears in Collections:2015/1

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