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Title: Innovative mechanism of development the educational market and labor market in Ukraine
Authors: Нetman, O. O.
Shapoval, V. М.
Keywords: labor market
integrative development
ринок праці
інтеграційний розвиток
Issue Date: 11-Mar-2016
Publisher: Академія митної служби України
Series/Report no.: Економіка;2014/2
Abstract: Modern Ukrainian employers noted a significant problem in practical skills of graduates, who are looking for the first job. Practice shows, the company (employer) has to invest for adaptation and retraining graduates at the new working place. At the same time, graduates are not always able and ready to do that. As a result, both sides unsatisfied with each other: graduates cannot find work and the employer doesn’t want to hire inexperienced employees. Our research is aimed at creation a mechanism of integration of the educational market and the labor market in Ukraine in order to update the system of higher education in Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of the employers. To achieve this goal we investigated patterns and problems in the functioning of the educational market and the labor market in Ukraine, monitored the current situation and identified their specific features. Proposed by authors mechanism reflects vision of the integrative development both markets. Implementation of this mechanism will cause the adaptability and rising competitiveness of the domestic educational system according to the requirements of the labor market in Ukraine; actualization the connection “higher educational institution – employer” taking into account mutual interests; increase the effectiveness of youth employment and improve the labor market situation of some regions and country.
ISSN: 2310-0672
Appears in Collections:2014/2

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