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Title: | Methods and issues of cultural property smuggling combat on the railway transport |
Other Titles: | Методы и проблемы борьбы с контрабандой культурных ценностей на железнодорожном транспорте |
Authors: | Imanov, Ramil Иманов, Рамиль |
Keywords: | cultural property UNESCO smuggling Export Certificate for Cultural Objects Cultural properties ID Object ID WCO культурные ценности ЮНЕСКО контрабанда Свидетельство на право вывоза культурных ценностей Идентификатор культурных ценностей Идентификатор объекта ВТамО |
Issue Date: | 21-Mar-2019 |
Publisher: | Університет митної справи та фінансів |
Citation: | 1. Juridicheskie i prakticheskie mery protiv nezakonnogo oborota kul'turnyh cennostej. Rukovodstvo UNESKO / Sekcija mezhdunarodnyh standartov. Otdel kul'turnogo nasledija. – 2007. – C. 13. [Jelektronnyj resurs]: Rezhim dostupa: images/0014/001461/146118r.pdf [Legal and practical measures against illicit trafficking of cultural properties. Guidance of the UNESCO / International Standards Section. Division of Cultural Heritage. – 2007. – C. 13. [Electronic resource]: Access: images/0014/001461/146118r.pdf] (in Russian) 2. Kalashnykova O.L. Muzeini fondy yak skladova natsionalnoi kulturnoi spadshchyny: problema katalohizatsii / O. L. Kalashnykova // Doslidzhennia, restavratsiia ta preventyvna konservatsiia muzeinykh pamiatok: Suchasnyi stan. Perspektyvy rozvytku. – Kyiv, 2011. – S.176–179. [Museum funds as part of the national cultural heritage: the problem of cataloging // The research, restoration and preventive conservation of museum objects: the current state. 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Series/Report no.: | Customs Scientific Journal;№1,2016 |
Abstract: | This paper was presented at the 10th annual WCO PICARD conference (in the frameworks of the “Youth Forum”), 8-10 September 2015 in Baku, the Republic of Republic Azerbaijan. The article is devoted to the methods and issues of cultural property smuggling combat. The author has analyzed and highlighted imperfection points of the Ukrainian legislation as regards to cultural property smuggling as well as has given recommendations for its improvement in accordance with the international experience. The author has also considered basic legal and practical measures and tools, which will help prevent illicit trafficking of cultural objects.The author has also analyzed the tools to be used in fight with smuggling of cultural property (legal and awareness-raising instruments, operational instruments).Illegal supply chain of cultural property has been studied in detail, ranging from a supplier (for example, a black archaeologist), a smuggler (“carrier” across the border) to an addressee (private collector etc.).To fully analyze the chosen subject definite scientific methods of investigation, namely analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization were used.In conclusion the author states that in order to combat smuggling effectively, it is necessary to make an electronic record of all units of museum collections. He draws attention to the discrepancy between Ukrainian requirements for processing photos necessary to move cultural objects and the requirements of INTERPOL. The author emphasizes troublesome use of the examination methods, except for vasomotor method on the railway transport. The author recommends adopting the Model Export Certificate for Cultural Objects that has been developed by UNESCO together with the World Customs Organization. |
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Appears in Collections: | Customs 2016/1 |
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