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Title: Clinical legal education and pro bono work in Germany to help those in need and to establish a better and more sustainable society
Other Titles: Юридична клінічна освіта та робота pro bono в Німеччині для допомоги тим, хто її потребує, для встановлення кращого та сталого суспільства
Authors: Hannemann, J. G. A.
Ханнеманн, А.
Псол, M.
Dr. M. Psol
Keywords: legal clinics
clinical legal education
pro bono
legal responsibility
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2021
Publisher: Університет митної справи та фінансів
Citation: Hannemann J. G. A. Clinical legal education and pro bono work in Germany to help those in need and to establish a better and more sustainable society / J. G. A. Hannemann, Dr. M. Psol // Правова позиція. - 2021. - № 4 (33). – С. 77 - 81
Series/Report no.: Правова позиція;2021. - № 4 (33)
Abstract: This essay will explore the development of law clinics in Germany and the influence of the pro bono work on those who are in need and otherwise would not find legal consultation. The essay will first draw historical analyzes and explain the development of law clinics – which found its original in the early 19th century in Germany. Furthermore, the specific situation and legal requirements in Germany will be explained. Especially the need of any law clinic to have the supervising legal expert on hands as well as the liability question and the different possibilities to limit liability, will be analyzed. Furthermore, the very new approach of ensuring law clinics will be addressed. Finally the essay will focus on the question whether law clinics can be considered to be a competition to lawyers or not. This is a question that especially at the beginnings of the law clinic wave in Germany from 2011 two 2016 was highly discussed. Eventually, the authors will try to work out the advantages for students to take part as legal advisors in the law clinic and point out the benefits for society in general.
ISSN: № 4 (33)
Appears in Collections:2021/4(33)

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