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Title: Ефективність індивідуальних та державних витрат на вищу освіту в країнах ОЕСР та в Україні
Other Titles: The efficiency of individual and public spending on higher education in OECD countries and in Ukraine
Authors: Григораш, О.
Бочаров, Д.
Бондар, А.
Журавка, О.
Мордань, Є.
Тесленко, Т.
Keywords: higher education
education costs
education expenditures
Issue Date: 9-Aug-2023
Citation: Григораш, О., Бочаров, Д., Бондар, А., Журавка , О., Мордань, Є., & Тесленко, Т. (2022). Ефективність індивідуальних та державних витрат на вищу освіту в країнах ОЕСР та в Україні. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 5(46), 453–462.
Series/Report no.: Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice;2022, №5(46)
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the efficiency of higher education funding from the perspective of higher education applicant (cost of education) and from the perspective of the state (budget expenditures, investments in preparation of specialists). The article contains the main indicators of socio-economic development of the OECD countries and Ukraine. The analysis has shown that in Ukraine the amount of higher education expenditures as a percentage of GDP has an average value comparing to the OECD countries, while this amount in monetary terms is significantly lower than in other countries. An efficiency of higher education costs for the individual and expenditures for the state in the OECD countries and in Ukraine have been evaluated. The efficiency of individual costs on higher education is calculated using the discounted cash flow method, applied to the cost of education and the difference in wages between qualified and unqualified personnel. The efficiency of public spending on higher education (investment in the training of specialists) is calculated using the discounted cash flow method applied to the share of public spending on higher education and GDP growth generated by labor with better skills. The results of the calculations have shown that in the analyzed year, the efficiency of state expenditures on higher education is higher than the efficiency of individual costs.
ISSN: 2310-8770
Appears in Collections:Кафедра фінансів, банківської справи та страхування

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