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Title: Open-source information in combatting undervaluation and tax non-compliance
Other Titles: Використання інформації з відкритих джерел як метод протидії заниженням митної вартості товарів та ухиленням від сплати податків
Authors: Zhuchkov, A.
Keywords: under-invoicing
traditional own resources
budget revenues
abnormal pricing
customs value
open-source information
fraud combatting
Issue Date: 16-Oct-2024
Publisher: Університет митної справи та фінансів
Citation: Zhuchkov A. Open-source information in combatting undervaluation and tax non-compliance. Customs Scientific Journal. 2024. №1. С. 118-123.
Abstract: Undervaluation of imported goods is one of the reasons for the trade gap between the theoretically calculated revenues from import duties and the amounts actually received. In the context of Ukraine’s move towards membership in the EU, the risk of budget revenue losses is a cause for concern, since customs duties on imports belong to the EU’s traditional sources of revenues, known as own resources. The possibilities to use open-source information have been researched to form a source of relevant and transparent price information for both customs authorities and economic operators. A high level of transparency of such data model are shown which allows to increase the efficiency of automated customs control and ensures better cooperation between customs and foreign trade entities
ISSN: 2518-1599
Appears in Collections:Customs 2024/1

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