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Назва: Characteristics of suspension or full/partial refusal of performance in case of a counterparty's failure to perform an obligation under Ukraine's civil legislation
Автори: Leheza, Yevhen
Schcherbyna, Bogdan
Leheza, Yluia
Pushkina, Olena
Marchenko, Olesia
Ключові слова: obligations
refusal to fulfill
suspension of performance
property rights
Дата публікації: 21-лют-2025
Видавництво: Universidad Católica de Colombia
Бібліографічний опис: Leheza Y. Characteristics of suspension or full/partial refusal of performance in case of a counterparty's failure to perform an obligation under Ukraine's civil legislation / Y. Leheza, B. Schcherbyna, Y. Leheza, O. Pushkina, O. Marchenko. Novum Jus 18. 2024. no. 2. P. 131-150.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article explores the application of the right to suspend or fully or partially refuse to fulfill an obligation in the event of non-fulfillment of a counter-obligation by the other party. Scientific works of civilian classicists on obligation and research of Ukrainian civilian scientists served as material for study. The article distinguishes between conflicting and interdependent duties. It also highlights the issues of Part 3, Article 538 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, in case the buyer fails to fulfill the obligation to pre-pay for goods. The legal nature of the right to suspend or fully/partially refuse to fulfill a duty has been clarified: This is a way to protect civil rights and interests. Attention is drawn to the fact that the studied right can be exercised if the other party breaches a negative obligation. Ways to improve Ukraine’s legislation on the specified topic are proposed.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу):
ISSN: 2500-8692
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