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Title: Economic aspects of appropriation of information-digital intellectual product in the conditions of modern knowledge information revolution
Authors: Leonidov, I. L.
Tarasevich, V. M.
Izdebski, W.
Koliada, S. P.
Keywords: information-digital intellectual product
ownership and appropriation of intellectual product
mechanism for managing the transfer of new technologies
Issue Date: 24-Feb-2025
Publisher: Alfred Nobel University
Citation: Leonidov I. L. Economic aspects of appropriation of information-digital intellectual product in the conditions of modern knowledge information revolution / I. L. Leonidov, V. M. Tarasevich, W. Izdebski, S. P. Koliada. Academy Review. 2024. № 2 (61). P. 39-54.
Abstract: In the context of the dissemination of the knowledge information revolution, research on the peculiarities of the transfer of advanced technologies as a manifestation of their appropriation as intellectual property becomes relevant. The goal is to develop a mechanism for managing the transfer of advanced technologies and to identify the functions of their subjects, obstacles, and the content of their reproduction. The integration method is a synthesis of several approaches: a) dialecticalmaterialistic method is employed to reveal the driving role of contradictions in the evolution of the appropriation of information-digital intellectual products; b) modeling is used for logical generalization and concretization of the interaction among subjects involved in appropriating information-digital intellectual products; c) activity-praxiology approach is employed in analyzing the structure and overall outcomes of the operation of the machine-sized cognitive system as a component of human activity; d) system-synergistic method is utilized to establish objective development tendencies of public production through the formalization of the functioning of the production use of informationdigital intellectual products. The transformational characteristics of the appropriation of informationdigital intellectual product as one aspect of the transfer of advanced technologies have been identified. The functions of the subjects of appropriation of information-digital intellectual property have been specified according to the following economic roles: “creator-producer”, “producer-mediator”, and “mediator-consumer”. The theoretical concepts of the typology of stages of appropriation of information-digital intellectual product have been refined based on partial and general criteria. The essence of the disproportions in the reproduction of subjects of the transfer of advanced technologies (creators, producers, mediator-entrepreneurs) has been revealed. Relevant statistical data on the latency and actualization of the appropriation of information-digital intellectual product in a strategic perspective have been identified to reflect the content of barriers to its production use. The constant accumulation of disproportions in the reproduction of subjects of the transfer of advanced technologies is an obstacle to the development of social production. The prospects of eliminating this obstacle in the direction of externalizing the appropriation of information-digital intellectual product in its production use and self-value enhancement have been formalized in a system of equations. As limitations of such a system of equations, a set of functions and alternatives for the production use of information-digital intellectual product according to the economic roles of its subjects are indicated.
ISSN: 2522-9745
Appears in Collections:Кафедра менеджменту зовнішньоекономічної діяльності

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