The article presents the dynamics of transformation of network characteristics of modern society, related to changes in the quality and structure of communications, which are expanding and differentiating in the public space integrated with the Internet. The ways of development of information and communication technologies in all spheres – social, political, economic, cultural, which are conditioned by the network logic of development of social subjects are analyzed. The analysis of the actual researches concerning problems of formation of the new model of organization of socio-political space in which horizontal network communications dominates and many different actors involved in the transformation of public policy, as well as the role and importance of network structures possessing high potential for self-organization and mobilization. The peculiarities of functioning of the Ukrainian political system, which, on the one hand, reflect the global trends of network public
policy formation, are considered; on the other hand, existing social networking practices are not always linked to increasing public resources and developing democratic foundations of politics. The author draws attention to the dominance of informal political communication practices, the imitation of publicity, the formation of clan politics and the patrimonial political system that characterize the destructive potential of social networks. The article provides a theoretical substantiation of the concept of "Internet in public regional policy", which allows to expand the paradigmatic field of political science, as well as to apply the network method to the analysis of Ukrainian public policy, which makes it possible not only to explain new socio-political phenomena, but also to define new vectors development of the modern political system of Ukraine based on the principles of democratic participation and cooperation of the state and civil society. The effects of the Internet of communications through the penetration of network society into public policy and its actions, which is multidimensional in nature and manifested as changes at different levels, causes the emergence of innovative mechanisms that reproduce its new type, namely network public policy.