The article investigated the processes of establishment, continuous development, and transformation of the civil service in Ukraine from the period of the establishment of Kyivan Rus to the present-day Ukrainian state. The ...
Горященко, Ю. Г.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2025-02-26)
Цивілізаційна суб’єктність України означена у спроможності держави забезпечувати
свободу, безпеку і розвиток для всіх соціально-економічних акторів, насамперед громадян,
уряду та підприємств. З-поміж основних чинників ...
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the professional activity of a teacher in the conditions of an inclusive educational space, in particular, the special training of a teacher as an integral component of this process. ...
The article is devoted to solving the problem of improving the efficiency of the adaptive management
system of an agricultural enterprise on the basis of controlling. The necessity of introducing a management
system aimed ...
Петруня, Ю. Є.; Маляр, Д. В.; Петруня, В. Ю.; Пасічник, Т. О.(Alfred Nobel University, 2025-02-24)
Метою проведеного дослідження є виявлення на базі системного аналізу особливостей
цифровізації процесів заснування суб’єктів бізнесу в Україні, проведення структуризації
відповідної сукупності організаційно-управлінських ...
The academic work aims to provide an assessment of scientific studies and to know the relevant practical aspects of the activation of the process of sports activities of higher education applicants of technical and ...
Leonidov, I. L.; Tarasevich, V. M.; Izdebski, W.; Koliada, S. P.(Alfred Nobel University, 2025-02-24)
In the context of the dissemination of the knowledge information revolution, research on the
peculiarities of the transfer of advanced technologies as a manifestation of their appropriation as
intellectual property becomes ...
A positive step for realizing the rights and guarantees of forced migrants consists in introduction by the Government of Ukraine of the following areas of assistance: monetary assistance, promotion of their employment, ...
Leheza, Yevhen; Yerofieienko, Larysa; Komashko, Volodymyr(Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, 2025-02-21)
The purpose of the research is legal regulation of intellectual property in Ukraine under martial law. It has
been established that proper public administration of the intellectual property portfolio under the conditions ...
The purpose of the research is to consider financial and legal, administrative regulation and foreign experience of performing control over activities of public administration bodies. Main content. Defined are the main ...
Метою дослідження є особливостей правового регулювання та стану дослідження
кримінально-правової охорони професійної діяльності журналістів. Аналіз стану дослідження кримінально-правового захисту законної професійної ...
The article explores the application of the right to suspend or fully or partially refuse to fulfill an obligation in
the event of non-fulfillment of a counter-obligation by the other party. Scientific works of civilian ...
Бублейник, В. А.; Легеза, Є. О.(Ужгородський національний університет, 2025-02-21)
Наукова стаття присвячена висвітленню стану наукової розробки надання публічних послуг в Україні. Висвітлюється здобутки вчених-адміністративістів підходи щодо розуміння категорій публічних та адміністративних послуг, що ...
Leheza, Y.; Korniienko, M.; Berezniak, V.; Mariienko, A.; Radchuk, A.(Universidade Portucalense Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, 2025-02-21)
The article is devoted to the topical issue of criminal responsibility for illegal
deportation of children. It is justified that illegal deportation of children is of particular
concern, since it is practically impossible ...
Shkuta, Oleh; Leheza, Yevhen; Telelym, Iryna; Anosienkov, Anatolii; Yaroshak, Oleh(Faculty of Sharia and Law, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia, 2025-02-21)
National security is an important condition for the functioning and development of individuals,
societies, and the states, however, this security is threatened by war, and global military
conflicts. This article aims to ...
The article is devoted to the study of opportunities and challenges of using artificial intelligence in motivating court decisions. An important aspect of this process consists of the application of special knowledge by ...
Results and discussions. It was found that treating a mixture of juice
and polymeric flocculants polyethylene oxide and polyacrylamide during
flow in a circular tube results in increased clarification rate of apple ...
Results and discussions. It was found that the increasing the
pressure from 200 to 500 MPa results in a nearly 21-fold and 6-
fold increase in the depth of cut for nozzles with diameters of
0.210-3 and 0.410-3 m, ...
The article is devoted to the development of methodological approaches and practical
recommendations for improving the change management model in the enterprises of
the hotel industry. Based on the definition of the ...